Integration of fungal disease resistant grapevine varieties in the range of Swiss wines
Wine sector needs to face an important issue with all the expectations from civil society and environmental context concerning the use of fungicides in the vineyards. Swiss research is known worldwide for its work on the development of resistant grapevine varieties. Today, the question of integrating, quickly and efficiently, these new varieties into the range of Swiss wines is essential. What will be their place in the sum of improvements realized by viticulture and viniculture professionals regarding environmental protection?
This project is funded mostly by the Federal Office of the Agriculture and is conducted by five partners: Agridea (Association for agriculture and rural area development), Changins, Fibl (research institute of biological agriculture), Weinbauzentrum and Agroscope. It started in September 2019 and will last two years, with a close link with the professional organizations of vine and wine sector.
A survey will be realized in Arvinis exhibition in November 2019 in order to better appreciate the decision of wine consumers between different criteria to buy a wine bottle. It aims to establish consumer profiles according to the importance they give to environmental aspects in their choice of a wine, a winery, as well as their openness to new grapevine varieties. The price of wines chosen will be also considered. In parallel, the project comprises a review of tasting tests of experts and consumers, an historical analysis of new grapevine variety introduction, a survey on the current opinion of wineries, winegrowers and principal buyers concerning the characteristics of future wines. It will lead to recommendations and to an action plan proposition for the professionals and public authorities.
2019 – in progress
Partners: Agridea, FiBL, Weinbauzentrum, Agroscope
Funding: Federal Office of the agriculture (FOAG)