The Major VE provides students with the tools to analyze and resolve complex problems in Viticulture and Enology, from grape to wine, from management to market, on a strategic and operational level.

Personal and original, the Master Thesis carried out by the student focuses on a theme closely linked to the needs of the wine industry.

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Natacha MedawarYeast interactions between Starmerella bacillaris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Explore the interaction mechanisms between both yeasts in mixed culture fermentations. Main oenological metabolites were measured at the end of the monitored period to uncover the impact of each inoculation protocol investigated on wine chemical composition
AnastasiiaHoncharenkoReframing wine organizations in new times with new

The objectives of the project are to obtain an overview about organizations and organizational structures of wineries in Switzerland, to identify its critical points and to create the new adapted structures of wine organizations
Jean-VincentMarchouxQualitative tasting for wines under real and virtual conditions

The aim is to investigate, through real and virtual reality, the influence of the environment and added defaults in wines for a wine tasting experience
NicholasWolffAssessing the Effectiveness of UV-C Treatment in Preventing Downy Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) on Grapevines

Assess the effectiveness of UV-C light against downy mildew by testing the irradiation time and date for grapevines and rating the resultant disease severity after inoculation manually and by using the pliman package in R.
SerenaFantasiaAlternative to herbicide use: functional traits characterization of promising plants for vine row sowing
Demonstrate that the choice of a green cover made by selected, low competitive, allelopathic species maximizes the ecosystem services if compared to other weeds
management strategies (herbicides, mechanical weeding, spontaneous flora).
Pierre-OlivierDion-LabrieProcess hygiene and oxygen control in bottling of wine

Bottling is the final oenological step towards the commercialization of a given wine. It is therefore crucial to control all parameters since no further intervention will be
possible. Any contamination, or excessive oxygen intake, if not detected, might have deleterious consequences on the wine, and drastically reduce its shelf-life. By using
technologies such as luminescence and microbiological analysis, aim of this study is to develop a full audit protocol for wineries to control their bottling process and

EvaWendeConsulting concept for wineries

The consulting concept for wineries reflects three steps: 1) Analysis of the actual situation (as-is), 2) definition of a concept for the target situation (to-be) and 3) guide how to implement the concept into reality
MelaniWeikertSecure a sustainable future for a recent business unit of a tranditional Swiss Vaud Winery

Develop a methodology for consulting a business transformation of a winery applied in real case conditions
ClaireFuret GavalletImpact of the vaporization of essential oils on vine physiology

Thymus and oregano essential oils effects were evaluated in a costum-made chamber under a continuous vaporization. This oils have been shown to be the most efficient against fungi diseases. They were tested to evaluate their impacts on vine physiology by monitoring the growth, leaf area, chlorophyll
amount, photosynthesis, stomatal density and the concentrations of residues in and on leaves