Boosting research and education in the distilled beverage domain
The objective of this project is to participate in the improvement of the quality of spirits by initiating research projects and by developing and opening courses for professionals and non-professionals in the context of continuing education. This project was initiated following a pilot project in 2009 with the Régie fédérale des alcools. The « DistiMatu » project links the ripeness of apricots at harvest with the quality of the spirit produced. The various instruments used made it possible to measure the fruit ripeness without damaging them and to observe that an optimal ripeness (neither too much nor too little) improves the quality of the spirit, both in terms of composition and taste. In addition, CHANGINS has studied a selection of Luizet variety and the influence of fermentation conditions (temperature, oxygen and yeast strains) on the quality of spirits. CHANGINS currently wants to improve and automate distillation by developing an online analysis of the composition of distillates (ethanol, acetaldehyde, methanol, ethyl acetate). The on-going project should lead to a « clever » distillation control and allow producers to improve the sanitary and organoleptic quality of their products. Finally, CHANGINS leads a panel of sensory analysis to evaluate its spirits and organized panels of consumers to determine preferences on a large number of individuals (100 to 200 questionnaires). This know-how in sensory analysis has also enabled CHANGINS to organize tastings of Absinthe in order to help the Val de Travers interprofessionals to define the sensory typicity of their product in order to obtain an IGP.
BACH B., DEUNEULIN P., GUELAT L.-M., BESSE S., CHRISTEN D. and DUCRUET J. 2014. Clonal selection of apricot from Luizet variety to obtain better quality brandy. Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014, 8-11 September, Glasgow, United Kingdom
BACH B., MURYN L., SOKONY F., DANTHE E., DEFAYES A., DENEULIN P. and DUCRUET J. 2014. Selection of Yeast Starter Culture Strains for the Production of Abricotine and Kirsch. Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014, 8-11 September, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
BACH B., MURYN L., SOKONY F., DANTHE E., DEFAYES A., DENEULIN P. and DUCRUET J. 2014. Oxygen management during fermentation process for the production of Abricotine and Kirsch. Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014, 8-11 September, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
BACH B., SOKONY F., RIESEN R. and DUCRUET J. 2014. Development and validation of a HS-SPME gas chromatography /mass spectrometry method for the analysis of volatiles in fruit brandy. Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014, 8-11 September, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
DENEULIN P., GUELAT L-M., BACH B., CHRISTEN D. and DUCRUET J. 2014. Influence of apricot maturity levels on the sensory perception of distillates. Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014, 8-11 September, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
DUCRUET J., COUTANT C., DENEULIN P. and CHRISTEN D. 2011. Ripening stage of Luizet and quality of apricot distillates. 9ème Symposium International d’Œnologie « Œno 2011 », 15-17 juin 2011, Bordeaux, France.
BACH B., SOKONY F., RIESEN R. and DUCRUET J. 2013. Development and validation of a HS-SPME gas chromatography /mass spectrometry method for the analysis of volatiles in fruit brandy Symposium In Vino Analytica Scientia, 2–5 July, Reims, France.
CHRISTEN D., BESSE S., GUELAT L.-M., COUTANT C., DUCRUET J., ROSSIER J. et CAMPS C. 2012. Outils d’aide à la décision pour la récolte des abricots Luizet à distiller. Revue Suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture et Horticulture 44(2): 114-119
DUCRUET J. 2012. Dynamisation de la recherche et de la formation dans le domaine des boissons distillées. Le magazine de la RFA C2H5OH, avril 2012: 34
DUCRUET J. et BESSE S. 2012. Sélection clonales de Luizet. Résultats de l’analyse sensorielle des eaux-de-vie. Conférences techniques, Fête de l’abricot 5 août 2012, Saxon, Suisse.
DUCRUET J., COUTANT C., WANG M., DENEULIN P., FLEURY D., DEFAYES A. et CHRISTEN D. 2010. Maturité du Luizet et qualité des eaux-de-vie d’abricots. Revue suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture et Horticulture 42 (6): 342–349
2010 – 2017
Partner: Régie fédérale des alcools et entreprises privées
Funding: Régie fédérale des alcools et Canton du Valais