USability of Environmentally sound and Reliable techniques in Precision Agriculture
The main objective of the USER-PA project is to develop and demonstrate an integrated and reliable Precision Agriculture solution for orchards and vineyards considering spatial information on irrigation and harvest management. USER-PA proposes a conceptual framework, an innovative technical architecture, and the enabling technologies that will allow to integrate canopy and fruit sensors with mobile and static data acquisition systems, and farm management information systems, targeting a system that will serve farmers.
The system will integrate sensing methods, along with an appropriate platform that carries the sensors and gathers the data, and a system that analyses and presents the information prior to irrigation and harvesting during the growth season to the farmer.
ATB coordinates the Workpackage Plant sensors (WP1): Sensing technologies will be developed to evaluate canopy and fruit attributes that are important for irrigation, or harvest management. The sensors will be configured and calibrated during the first year of the project. In the second and third year they will be used on the developed platform, and their data will be input to the FMIS. Their performance will be evaluated during the second year in the experimental plots, and during the third year in both, the experimental plots and the demonstration activities.
USER-PA is an ERA-NET ICT-AGRI (European Research Area Network Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture) research project. It brings together experts from eight ICT-AGRI member countries – Israel, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Scientists from universities, research institutions and industry combine their expertise in the fields of plant physiology, sensor technology, robotics and automation as well as decision support systems.
KAETHNER J., FLEURY D., HERPPICH W., ZUDE M. 2015 Influence of apparent soil ECa on the fruit quality in Malus x domestica orchard. 9th Fruit, Nut and Vegetable Production Engineering Symposium, Italy 19-22 May.
MAIWALD M., MUELLER A., SELBECK J., KAETHNER J., ZUDE M., FLEURY D., SUMPF B., ERBERT G., TRAENKLE G. 2015 Shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy: a potential tool for outdoor measurements in precision agriculture Proc. SPIE 9488, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety VII, 94880G, June 3.
TORRICELLI A., FLEURYD., GIESSER J., PASCHE R. KAETHNER J., ZUDE M. SPINELLI L. 2015 Nondestructive assessment of apple optical properties during growth by time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the orchard. 3rd IEEE BioPhotonics Conference International Conference on Biophotonics, Florence, Italy 18-20 May
FLEURY D. 2014. Nouvelle plate-forme européenne pour la gestion de l’irrigation en cultures spéciales. Revue suisse Viticulture, Arboriculture et Horticulture 46: 77 (pdf)
FLEURY D. 2013. Essais appliqués en robotique et agriculture de précision à l’Ecole d’Ingénieurs de Changins. Objectif. 79: 15-17
FLEURY D. 2013. L’agriculture de précision pour mieux gérer l’irrigation. Agri 21 juin
2013 – 2016
Partenaires: Projet européen ICT-Agri avec Leibniz- Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam- Bornim ATB (Germany), National Institute for Agricultural Research INRA DARESE (France), Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FAO (Italy), Region of Lombardy DG Industry, Handicraft, Building and Cooperation (Italy), Cities on Internet Association COIA (Poland), Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences ASAS (Romania), Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute SSCRI (Slovakia), Institute of Agricultural Technology of Castilla y Leon ITACyL (Spain), LEITAT Technological Center LEITAT (Spain), Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering JTI (Sweden), Agricultural Research Institute ARI (Cyprus), Wageningen UR (University and Research Centre) WUR (The Netherlands), Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEFRA (United Kingdom), The French National Research Agency ANR (France), Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine DAFM (Ireland).
Financement de la partie effectuée par Changins: Office fédéral de l’agriculture